The Greatest Superhero

Throughout human history, many have been called the “greatest”. And many have been called saviors. But in a world filled with real-life and fictional heroes, there stands One who truly is the greatest. His name is Jesus. Why is He the greatest?

Well, for starters, here are some of His superpowers:

    • He's the Son of God and has a divine nature.
    • Jesus is the creator and sustainer of all life.
    • He has authority over everyone and everything.
    • He's the only perfect human being to ever live.
    • Jesus knows everything that can ever be known.
    • He possesses all power.
    • He has never been defeated.
    • Jesus doesn’t have any weaknesses.
    • He's present everywhere at the same time.
    • He performed earthly miracles that nobody has ever performed.
    • After Jesus was killed, He rose from the dead.
    • He loves all people even though no one deserves His love.
    • Jesus is the only one who can save anyone from sin.

These superpowers (and so many more) explain why Jesus is in a category all by Himself. Simply put, He is the greatest superhero of all time!

For His glory,
The Heart Inspirations Team


Acts 4:12

There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.” (New Living Translation)

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